Graduation Requirements

  • Graduate with University Honors - 27 total honors credit hours required 
  • Graduate as an Honors Scholar - 33 total honors credit hours required 
  • You must keep a 3.2 GPA to remain in good standing in the Honors Program. Click here to read our probation policy
  • Students must be in good standing with the Honors Program to graduate with University Honors

University Honors Requirements 

First-year students must complete 27 hours of honors coursework to earn the University Honors distinction. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.2 is required to graduate with University Honors. You can earn honors credits in several ways. 

Honors Scholar Requirements 

To graduate as an Honors Scholar, you must complete a six-credit Senior Honors Thesis or Project in addition to the requirements noted above.

Students who complete the Honors Program requirements and the Senior Honors Thesis will graduate with University Honors and as an Honors Scholar. Both notations will appear on the transcript and diploma. 

Graduation Requirements for Transfer Students and Currently Enrolled Students 

Transfer students and currently enrolled UMKC students who enter the Honors Program with less than 50 credits will need 27 hours of honors credit to earn the University Honors distinction. 21 hours of honors credit is required if you enter the Honors Program with 50 or more credits. 

Transfer students may count up to 9 transfer honors credit hours toward the total hours required for graduation with University Honors.