
Internships enable students to apply their learning to real-world situations, network with professionals in their chosen discipline and gain job experience in their desired career field. Many academic departments at UMKC provide access to internship opportunities, and some offer academic credit for internships. Visit your home department’s website and consult with your major advisor to learn more about the internship opportunities specific to your major.

UMKC Career Services offers a broad range of tools to assist you in all stages of your career development. Utilize Career Services’ Handshake to begin searching for jobs and internships. There is no fee for UMKC students and alumni.

Honors Program Internship Course

Honors Internship (Honors 496) is an academic internship course available to members of the Honors Program. This course requires written assignments in addition to the work performed in a professional workplace. Internships are individually arranged with the sponsoring organization. A Learning Agreement will be established in the first week of the semester that states the contractual responsibilities of the student, the workplace supervisor, and the faculty internship coordinator. Variable credit, 0-6 credits. For further information, see the Honors Internship Course Documents (PDF).